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Solicitation for Dean Candidates of College of Planning and Design, NCKU

Solicitation for Dean Candidates of College of Planning and Design, NCKU

  1. Candidate’s qualifications:
  1. Candidate should be qualified as a full-time Professor. For any external candidate from institutions other than NCKU, consent from Teachers’ Review Committee of related department in our college should be acquired.
  2. Candidate with foreign nationalities should be limited to those with special skills or expertise, and should be approved by related authorities (Ministry of Education) in advance.
  3. Candidate should have visionary education ideas and considerable academic achievements. High moral standard and scholarly administrative capabilities are also required.
  1. Either one of the following recommendations of candidates is accepted
  1. A joint recommendation by six full-time faculty members from domestic or foreign university.
  2. Recommendation by a department/college of a domestic or foreign university.
  3. Recommendation by a domestic or foreign scholarly organization.
  4. A joint recommendation by three members from the Search Committee.
  1. Due date

The relevant documents of recommendation should be delivered to the Secretariat Office of College of Planning and Design by 5:00 p.m., March 29, 2024. Any late submissions will not be considered.

  1. Public Meeting :

Prospective candidates shall give a talk at College of Planning and Design on May 22th at 14:00.

  1. Contact :

Office: 06-2757575#54056  Ms.Chen

Mailing Address:

National Cheng Kung University, College of Planning & Design

No. 1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Email: em54050@email.ncku.edu.tw

Website: https://cpd.ncku.edu.tw/



Recommendation Form of Dean Candidate by Full-time Faculty Members

Department recommendation form for Dean candidate

Recommendation Form of Dean Candidate by Academic Organization

Recommendation Form of Dean Candidate by NCKU’s Internal Selection Committee



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